

Solving the patient revenue problem and improving net patient revenue is mission-critical for today’s hospitals. In order to do that, hospitals must have a way to secure 100% of the patient liability, including known and unknown charges, at or before time of service. And they must do this is a way that ensures patient satisfaction is at an optimal level.

VestaPay’s Time of Service (TOS) Patient Revenue solution is the only solution in the healthcare industry that will significantly increase your cash collections, reduce your costs, and make the patient revenue problem a thing of the past. All while ensuring your patients are highly satisfied and their unique needs are addressed as efficiently as possible.

What value does the VestaPay TOS Patient Revenue Solution provide?

1. Improved Patient Communication and Interaction  introducing mobile technology into the care program adds a completely new dimension to achieving improved care and patient satisfaction. Time constraints (i.e., periods when the hospital can capture the patient’s attention) are currently very limited. However, adding texting and chatbot functionality enables your staff to hold the patient’s hand through the complete treatment process.

2. Mobile Patient Self-Registration  the more patients can self-register the greater the efficiency, reduction in time delay, and increased patient access staff capacity. Rather than being stuck in a one-on-one staff to patient engagement, one staff member can support many patients registering simultaneously.

3. Virtual Staff Collaboration (VSC)  At VestaPay, we believe strongly in the value brought about by innovative technology. However, we also stress the importance of retaining the “human element” in all patient encounters. What this translates into is a need for tracking each patient engagement to determine if there are struggles being encountered and then taking steps to engage directly with the patient to assist them in overcoming their struggles. VSC is an all new, patent pending solution that identifies patient struggles and directs your staff when and how to assist. The other side of VSC is also a solution that substantially optimizes your staff’s efficiency.

4. Patient Payment Management and Dynamic Balance Adjusting AutoPay Plan (DBA-APP)  a cornerstone of the VestaPay program is securing 100% of the patient’s known and unknown liabilities at time of service. In order to do this effectively, one needs a new type of auto-pay plan. VestaPay’s DBA-APP represents a completely new approach and major breakthrough to securing all patient liabilities at time of service, even when you can’t know exactly what your patients owe at that time.



ED Patient Management
  • Pre-Arrival Mobile ED Check-in
  • Pre-Arrival Capturing and Relaying Chief Complaint to ED Clinicians
  • EMTALA Compliance Monitoring and Warning Notifications
  • Patient Treatment Workflow Management
  • Eligibility Verification / Benefits Capture for ED Patients
  • Estimate Generation in ED w/o Disrupting Clinicians
  • Guarantor Identification and Engagement
  • Essential Document signing
  • AutoPosting / Uploading (Everything)
  • Securing 100% of Patient Liability at Time-of-Service in ED
Patient Access
  • Mobile / Online / Desktop / Kiosk Patient Registration
  • Automated Patient and Insurance Data Validation and Correction
  • Patient Drivers License and insurance card scan, image data conversion, extracted data posting and cross-reference validation
  • Eligibility Verification / Benefits Capture
  • Estimate Generation
  • Primary & Secondary Insurance Estimating
  • Electronic Document signing
  • AutoPosting / Uploading (Everything)
  • Securing 100% of Patient Liability at Time-of-Service
  • (VestaPay secures 100% of PFR not just co-pays)
  • VestaPay’s Dynamic Balance Adjusting AutoPay Plans
  • Automated Cash & Payments Postings-Reconciliations Over Plan Lifespan
Patient Engagement
  • Appointment Management
  • Automated Patient Messaging
  • Virtual Staff Collaboration System (Dashboard for extending hospital-staff patient engagement)
  • Virtual Financial Desk – Staff Specialist Connecting w/ Patients to Assist
  • Insurance Discovery
  • Order Notification – Patients and Providers
  • Payment Management Across Providers and Platforms
  • Price Transparency Compliance
  • No Surprise Billing Compliance & Monitoring
  • VestaPay’s Identity Verification
  • VestaPay’s Customizable Quality Assurance
Hospital Connectivity & Service Enhancement
  • Cross Platform Interfacing and Integration
  • Automating Human Behaviors
  • Building Intelligence into EMR Systems
  • Utilizing Robotics to Extend Staff Effectiveness
  • Real-time Switchover to Alternative Eligibility Source (Web/EDI)